Friday, August 6, 2010

Not so fancy rhino

Not so fancy rhino, originally uploaded by JennDeC.

ZBrush Rhino for a child's toy project. I seem to have forgotten to take a shot of the fancy version (with top hat, and monocle:D) so this will have to do till I can find someone with the program.

Gamers Unfazed

Gamers Unfazed, originally uploaded by JennDeC.

based on the article: Russian Strippers Fail to Impress Gamers

Sausage Baby

Sausage Baby, originally uploaded by JennDeC.

based on the USA Today article: Pediatricians Call for a Choke-Proof Hot Dog


OprahJesus, originally uploaded by JennDeC.

based on and article from The Onion: Oprah Viewers Patiently Awaiting Instructions


Decapitation, originally uploaded by JennDeC.

based on the Damn Interesting article: Lucid Decapitation


Immortal, originally uploaded by JennDeC.

based on the Environmental Graffiti article: The Only Immortal Animal on Earth


City, originally uploaded by JennDeC.

based on the GOOD article: The GOOD 100: Bulldozing Cities; Small Is Beautiful: The case for shrinking cities


Vaccine, originally uploaded by JennDeC.

based on the CNN article: 'Super mosquitoes' could fight malaria with a bite